Monthly Archives: January 2012

14.366 and 15.366

From Where I Stand, Set 3

I’m compiling all of these here, if you’re interested :) It was a boot kind of week, I guess…

12.366 and 13.366


Today we stopped by one of our favorite little after-school-snack spots with our friends :) Reminds me of summer, going there. I love that little place!


We have two Liquid Amber trees in the front yard, both of which are almost completely bare. I noticed today there aren’t many leaves left on either, but this one guy seemed to be holding on pretty strong :)

From Where I Stand, Set 2

The first set of these had six, but I think four is more manageable ;) Here is the set of the last four days and here is the whole year so far :)

8.366 and 9.366

7.366 – Birthday Party!

Someone got hurt on the jumpie :( Cake being served sure cheered Avery up again!


My baby boy :)

From Where I Stand, Set 1

Some fellow photographers are doing this project called “From Where I Stand,” where they take a photo everyday literally ‘from where they stand.’ I thought it might be fun, and so far I’ve done it every day of the year,… Continue reading ⟩⟩