Beautiful Baby Shower :)

Just when I thought I’d been to the most beautiful baby shower ever a couple of weeks ago, I get to attend another that rivaled the first… I think I want this family to adopt me :) My friends Sharidy and Miguel are going to be wonderful parents — can’t wait to meet their little guy :)

Upon arriving guests were given a name tag placed on their back and had to ask “yes” or “no” questions in order to help guess whose name they had. Once they figured it out they could wear the nametag on the front. Somehow (I was given a lot of hints) I figured out that I was Beyonce. It was a fun ice breaker :)

The kids got to decorate a pumpkin by gluing eyes and other facial features to them. It was nice to see they were interested in this as we’re doing something similar next weekend for a costume party!

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