Student Photo Project

I’ve always wanted to take a beginning of the year and end of the year photo of each of my students so they can see how much they changed over their year with me. Then the beginning of the year comes and I’m always overwhelmed with stuff to do and never get around to it. This year I managed to take an end of the year photo, and realized that it’s a lot of work, but I think it’ll be worth it for me to squeeze it in next fall. Also, by the end of the year, the kids’ personalities are so much more evident to their teachers, so looking at these photos, I really see who my kids are, especially since they’re so much more comfortable with me after spending time getting to know me, too. At the beginning of the year, they’re more shy, so I bet it’d also be fun to see how their personalities come through in the two comparison photos. Anyway, I put them all into a collage and wanted to share. I am going to try much harder to do both photos in the coming school year :)

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