I spotted this while taking a shortcut through an alley in my town. It made me laugh ;)
Monthly Archives: January 2014
Star trails over the California desert
I have attempted this many many times over the years. Until now, my camera battery has always died mid-experiment, but this time I had an AC adapter plugged into a power strip, which went to an extension cord that was… Continue reading
Salvation Mountain, east of the Salton Sea. Sort of the “gateway” to Slab City – a free camping area filled with lots of ‘interesting’ characters ;)
Agricultural fields east of the Salton Sea.
Bombay Beach.
My husband and I took a 3-day trip out to the Salton Sea as a last hurrah for Christmas vacation. It was perfectly lovely :)
Morning snuggles with the dude. He has become much more loving and snuggly since getting the, a-hem, snip ;) The one thing that hasn’t changed is his obsession for water droplets. He will wait for an hour for the sink… Continue reading
We three :) Just wandering around downtown yesterday. We only have a few days left of vacation. That makes me sad…
We’ve been trying to get out and take a long walk every day — my kids scooter and I try to walk really fast. The weather this vacation has been so nice and mild – my kids today begged me… Continue reading
Football-watching at our friends’ house. This tricycle got abadoned in the middle of the yard at lunch time. I wanted to get a better capture with the shadow of it, but I needed it to be on concrete or asphalt… Continue reading